Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Discover Jaintia Festival

Discover Jaintia Festival
Have you ever been to the Jaintia hills in Meghalaya? You can’t perceive the beauty and bounty of the district without a glimpse of the Discover Jaintia Festival at Tuberkmai Shnong in the month of February. Thousands of people from Meghalaya and its neighbouring north eastern states throng Sniriang to attend the festival that boosts tourism in the hills state. Spotlight falls on a sacred grove of Tuberkmai shnong village where the Jaintia Cultural Extravaganza takes place. The event is jointly organised by the Jaintia Tourism and Environment Society (JTES) and the West Jaintia Hills District Administration in collaboration with the Ialong Tourism Promotion Society.
The major attractions include para gliding, exhibition cum sales of local products and food. This is apart from the musical events at the District Library Auditorium in Jowai that pulls huge number of people.

Festivity gathers momentum on the final day where the people are impressed with the cultural display along with water sports. The Lalong Park looks different when it is lighted with over thousand traditional torches and immediately after the torches were lit up hundreds of balloons were also released to the night sky.

Venue: Lalong Village