Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast


Anthurium Festival

Anthuriums are herbaceous epiphytes native to tropical America. They are commercially grown throughout the world with the heaviest concentrations in the United States (Florida) and The Netherlands. Anthuriums are one of the most popular tropical flowers with a long vase life of about six weeks and even more depending on the variety and season.

Pawl Kut

Pawl Kut, a tribal festival in Mizoram beckons many foreign and domestic tourists to the north eastern state. It is basically a harvest festival comprising feasts, songs and dances which keep their culture and tradition alive. The celebration has a century old history. Centuries ago their ancestors in the eastern part of Tiau river near Burma faced a tough time because of a disaster-like dry spell. The seeds refused to germinate suggesting an impending danger of feminine for three years.

Mim Kut Festival

Mim Kut is a religious Festival held in Mizoram. It is a vibrant and colorful fiesta that is celebrated with tremendous zeal and enthusiasm. It is actually a Maize Festival, fêted amidst extensive gaiety. Mim Kut is thus a joyous ceremony that adds a new feather to the stunning coronet of fiestas in Mizoram.The Mim Kut Festival is supposed to have assembled the spirit of Mizoram in a single sack. It consists of the elegance of lush green fields, the cerulean mountain ranges dotted with blond peaks that dazzles with the golden radiance of the sun.

Thalfavang Kut Festival

Have you ever been to Mizoram? The tiny but hilly north eastern state remains festive with many tribal groups of colourful cultural traditions. They have a plenty of occasions to showcase their rich cultural heritage. The most striking festival that upkeeps their culture and tradition is Thalfavang Kut. The occasion that draws huge crowd of foreign and domestic tourists marks the weeding of the crop fields to make them suitable for harvesting operation.

New Year Celebration, Mizoram

Mizoram, the land of rolling hills valley with exotic mix of culture and natural beauty keeps beckoning the tourists from the country and abroad. The word Mi-Zo-Ram stands for the land of the hill people which gets a fresh lease of life on the new year’s day, the much vaunted festival of the state and its people. Defying pinching coldwaves, the highlanders in large number come out the welcome the new year at the stork of midnight on the 31st December.