Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

New Year Celebration, Mizoram


Mizoram, the land of rolling hills valley with exotic mix of culture and natural beauty keeps beckoning the tourists from the country and abroad. The word Mi-Zo-Ram stands for the land of the hill people which gets a fresh lease of life on the new year’s day, the much vaunted festival of the state and its people. Defying pinching coldwaves, the highlanders in large number come out the welcome the new year at the stork of midnight on the 31st December. Boys and girls, old and young, men and women throng the public places across the hills state where the traditional songs and dances are allowed to dominate the midnight scene. As the clock strikes 00:00, they burst fire crackers to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one. But the practice is now a thing of the past from 2009, then the government imposed a total ban on the fireworks and fire crackers. The inevitable part of the event is the midnight feast which keeps them festive till the morning.  

The churches are dressed afresh with colourful lights where the Christians, mostly, hold community prayers on the occasion. The best place to visit to catch a glimpse of the scene is the capital city of Aiazwl which is abuzz with the state funded concerts. Same scene prevails in other district and sub divisional headquarters where the Young Mizo Association takes the lead. Renowned singers and performers provide no less entertainment to the people and the tourists who never miss the chance.

On the new year’s day, the people of all walks of life exchanges cards wishing each others a happy new year. This is followed by community feasts with the best of the best delicacies. This is apart from a slew of activities to showcase their cultural might. Schools and colleges, shops and markets, banks and offices, factories and industrial firm remain closed on the festive day.

Some of the local organizations and individuals launch action plans for the year. The state government also announces or launches a slew of new schemes for the welfare of the people. Thus, the new year is an occasion for the Mizo people to strengthen the emotional bond of brotherhood and bonhomie.