Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Tourism Golf Tournament

Despite pinching coldwave, the north eastern city of Shillong strikes no less attention of the tourists who throng the Scotland of the East to share the joy of the Golf Course Tournament. The annual event of great excitement begins on November 30 to conclude on December1. Players and tourists from the far flung parts on this planet make the occasion more cheerful. The spot, one of the scenic and oldest course in the world, wears a festive look at the fag-end of November. Braving the chill, people in large number arrive in the golf course premises treading on road covered with thickening pine groves itself suggests the beauty and bounty of the city which hosts the crowd pulling event.

The annual event welcomes the prominent foreign players to make it a true course of golf tourism in the premier north eastern state. The prize amount of this professional event is also huge now a days.

A group of British servicemen brought Golf in the city in 1898 with a 9 hole course at Laban. Then its popularity gathered momentum during the first world war the western golfers residing in West Bengal upgraded it into an 18 hole designed by Capt. Jackson & C.K.Rhodes.