West Garo Hills

Ahaia Winter Festival

The Garos in Meghalaya are known for fun and frolic. They celebrate a number of festivals each year which beckon no less tourists from the country and abroad. Tura steals the march on December 17 and 18 where the Garos celebrate the Ahia winter festival like the Wangala festival. The word “Ahaia” is a poetic song by the Ambengs who belong to the Garos. Both Wangala and Ahaia are celebrated to appease the giver and taker Garo gods with songs and dances. These speak volumes of the tribe, their characteristics and unique cultural heritage which are charming indeed.

Wangala Dance Festival

A honeyed golden November sunshine turns Meghalaya in to a haven misplaced on the planet. The entire north eastern state wears a different look marking the advent of the winter season. That’s an ideal turn for the Garo people in Tura to celebrate the Wangala Dance festival.

Festivity grips Asanang near Tura town on November 12, 13 and 14 where traditional dance and music are showcased. The striking feature of the weeklong festival is the music apart from the orchestra of drums, gongs and flutes. A traditional flute made of buffalo horn makes the festival more charming.