Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Dumboor Lake

58km from Udaipur, Agartala
Dumboor Lake

The Lake will charm you at it's first sight.It is encircled by forested hills. This huge, lake is dotted with quite a few islands with dense coconut plantation. It is one of the most popular picnic spots and connects the three most important destinations - Agartala, Udaipur and Gomti River.

Located at a distance of 120km from Agartala and 58km from Udaipur, this is the place from where the Gomati river is born, the main river of the state.There is a Hydel Project near the lake from where River Gomati originates and this is called Tirthamukh where on 14th January every year famous 'Pous Sankranti Mela' takes place. It is a popular pilgrim center where both the tribal and the non-tribal communities assemble together to have a bath during Uttarayan Sankranti. Be a spectator of this wonderful camouflage of culture. Natural scenario of Tirthamukh is perfect for photographers.The lake is the meeting point of rivers Raima and Sarma.

Standing aloof from the city life it harbours various species of migratory birds during the winter. It has rich reservoir of natural and cultured fishes. Its the birdie time here - with a lot of people coming for Bird Watching. If you too wish to be here, then you must come with your binoculars. Either way Binoculars can be hired for a day at nominal price.Being surrounded by weeds and sand, the monsoons make it impossible to reach near the lake.Damboor Lake doesn't have a definite boundary. Neither boating nor swimming is allowed to maintain the peaceful ambiance for the migratory birds.

Agartala rains throughout the year mostly in summer and monsoon season.So,make sure you keep an Umbrella or Raincoat handy.The best time to be here is in the months of Feb end to May beginning. Winters here are quite cold and requires a lot of warm clothes to be worn. The difficult road conditions and sparse transport System may take a toll on your adventurous spirit. No shared vehicles ever go to Dumboor you have to either book a private taxi or rickshaws or local buses. Then again there is no place for accommodation.You will find the Raima Tourist Lodge at Jatanbari. The Vangmun village, at a distance of 200 Kms from Agartala, has an 'Eden' tourist lodge which offers comfortable accomodations. Surrounded by picturesque hills and 48 islands admist the lake will forever have an imprint on your mind.

Destination at a Glance
41 km2
Nearest city
