Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast


The State Capital, Tripura

A visit to Agartala gives you no less freshness and joy. The beautiful spot for the tourists in season and out of season is the second largest city in the north eastern region after Guwahati. The word “Agar” means an oily perfume while “tala” stands for a storehouse. Situated by the side of Haora river at a stone’s throw distance from the Indo-Bangla border, the city is the nerve centre of the state administrative set up. Populated by 438,408 people, the 76.504 Square Km area city is governed by a restructured Agartala Municipal Corporation.

According to history, Chitrarath, Drikpati, Dharmapha, Loknath Jivandharan ruled the kingdom much before the Manikya Dynasties. A chronology of the rulers is not available. But whatever remains, reveals names of 179 Hindu rulers. The golden page of Tripura history speaks volumes of Mughals who ruled the kingdom till governance came under the British in 1808. The 'Swadhin Tripura' came into being at Rangamati beside the river Gomati. The frequent aggression by the Kuki forced the Maharaja Krishna Chandra Manikya Bahadur to shift his abode to the present new Haveli. Agartala was the capital city where municipality came into being in 1874–75.

The one who designed the present Agartala city is none other than Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur who visited United Kingdom. On his arrival back, he planned to build the city afresh with proper roads and bridges. The city was frequently visited by the nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore.

The capital city of Tripura experiences long, hot and wet summers because of the influence of humid subtropical climate. It begins in April which lasts till October. The best season for the tourists is September to February.

Destination at a Glance