Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Durga Puja


If autumn comes can festivity be far behind? The calm season is full of festivals. The striking festival here is Durga puja which falls in this season. The goddess of strength visits her ancestral home or earth along with her Laxmi, Saraswati, Ganesh and Kartik. The reunion with the Lord Shiva takes place on the final day or the immersion day.

The puja venues gets transformed into a dreamscape towards the throughout the 6 days and nights. The entire state keeps throbbing with the hymns to the goddess of strength, chanting of mantra along with the sounds of drums and cymbals. Electric decorations add value to the beauty of the idols of clay in the community puja.  The five-day worship of the goddess ends with a grand procession of immersing the idol in the rivers and waterbodies. The last day is the puja is Vijaydashami which marks an end to Navratri. Durga puja got prominence only after the arrival of the British in Bengal.

The worship, in fact, takes place in mid April which is known as Basanti Durga Puja. But it is not observed by many places since it is called as one of the huge autumnal festival. But the festival strikes no less tourists from the country and abroad.  

Cultural programs are lined up on the occasion apart from the music, drawing and quiz contest among the children.