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Solung Festival

The Solung is the main socio-religious festival of Adi community. The  festival is primarily connected with the agricultural activities of the people which can be compared with the three Bihus of the Assamese people, as they are also socio-religious in nature, which has a close connection with agricultural.

Solung celebration continues for seven days, first day is called, ‘Solung-Gidi Dogin’ or the day of preparations, The second day of the celebration is called Doreph-Long (the day of animal sacrifice) Yegling, The third day is ‘Binnayat Binam’ or worshipping the goddess of plenty and prosperity. The Fourth day is “Yaktor of Ekoph” when the villagers  remain busy preparing bows and arrows and other weapons for wars and the family goes to the fields and sacrifices a fowls especially for ‘Kine Nane’. Traditionally, a woman or a girl offers ‘Etting’ and ‘Apong’ along with the sacrifice for ‘Kine Nane’. This particular day of the festival is called as ‘Oinnyad’.

On the fifth day, the “Miri” (religious leader or priest) is given a ceremonial send off when the girl’s sing and dance. During Solung festival, every evening the Miri sings ‘Solung Abung’ and through the song he relates the stories about the origin of man, animals and plants, ancestry of the Adis, lives and deeds of the Adis brave.

On the last day of the festival, men assembles at the village dormitory generally known as ‘Mosup’ to make bows and arrows which are fastened on the doors of every house in the village. This is done in order to resist the evil spirits from entering the houses. This day is known ‘Ekob’.

In the concluding day of the festival, the villagers collectively uproots the weak plants of paddies which are being spoiled by worm and insects and are thrown on a small platform constructed for the purpose beside the main path of the village. This act is done to bring to the notice of ‘Kine Nane’ (the Goddess) that the worms and the insects are destroying their paddy crops with the hope that she will drive away the worms and insects out of the fields. This act or process is known as ‘Irni’.

During the festival Ponung dance is peformed. It is also known as ‘Solung-Ponung’. The Ponung dance begins on the first day of the Solung festival. Young  girls in the age group of 14 to 18 years take part in the dance. These girls are generally known as  ‘Ponung  Bona’  the Ponung dancers. This particular dance is organised and performed in a place called ‘Yingkiong’ the social point of view, the ‘Solung’ may be called as the ‘festival of refreshment’.

Solung is also celebrated to reap a rich harvest after sowing of seeds and transplantation of paddy plants, to raise more Mithuns and pigs and also to be free from natural calamities, fire, accidents, diseases etc.

The ‘Solung’ is celebrated throughout the Siang district and also by the Adis inhabiting the Lohit district.