Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Pilak Festival

Have you ever heard of Pilak? The word stands for the archaeological findings in Tripura which no less help the north eastern state promote tourism. Your visit to this 3 day long festival in Jolaibari would take you back to the golden days of 8th and 9th centuries. Pilak, precisely, is nothing but a cave of century old Hindu and Buddhist images. Tourists and visitors flock to Jolaibari in South Tripura district to catch a glimpse of the 3 days Pilak archaeological & tourism festival. Cultural functions are also lined up to pull crowd in the evenings.

Then striking object in the festival is an image of Vishnu on a lotus pedestal. These sculptures is also available in Srihatta and Mianamati in Bangladesh. The recent excavations, beyond doubt, have proved that umpteen numbers of ancient sculptures have been scattering over a huge area in the north eastern state. These findings have suggested the existence of heterodox sects and Hinduism and Buddhism creeds. The stone images of Avolokiteshwar and Narasimha have also provided no less crucial ancient evidence in the state. Another worth mentioning finding is a hilly rivulet. Known as pilak chhara, the brook shines with scenic beauty apart from its historical importance.