Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Seng Kut Snem

Seng Kut Snem, the name of a much vaunted festival of the Khasi community festival in Meghalaya plays no less role to boost revenue in the north eastern state. This is an occasion of these tribal people in the month of December to preserve and exhibit their age old culture and tradition. It further aims at highlighting the religious significance of the Khasi people across the country.  Funs and frolics, traditional Khasi dance and music make the occasion more colourful. Traditional sports and games are also allowed to be a salient feature of the festival. Dressed in traditional Khasi attire, the tribal youths dance accompanied by drums and flute, striking major attention of the tourists from the country and abroad.  This is what their safe way to preserve and safeguard the indigenous way of life (Niam Trai Niam Tre).

Venue: Shillong