Gumkum-Gumpa festival celebrated by Puroik community other backward tribe with a minimum population Puroiks are found maximum in East Kameng.,The Puroik people are a tribe of the hill-tracts of Arunachal Pradesh in India.
Total persons approximately residing in East Kameng, Papum Pare, and Kurung Kumey districts jointly celebrated mega Gumkum-Gumpa festival in a suitable manner at Abotani Manch,
Seppa from 13 to 15 April 2013,Unfortunately, as of now the tribe puroik is "Sullung" tribe recognized and renamed as Puroik by the state govt.
since,1976 observes this festival in the month of April every year but began to celebrate centrally since 1979,And then unlike the tribe is to be noted that in the very past Puroik community were always in the habit of migrating from one place to another and for the reasons best known to them is that they did not settled permanently in a particular place region. Gumkum-Gumpa is the different from the other festivals is not a mythological based but i it is a symbol of joy and peace with the reunion and collective resettlement of Puroik community in particular place formerly maintained separate settlement,
Gumkum-Gumpa festival celebrations all about to that all the community must maintains their identity through their festivals therefore the Gumkum-Gumopa is identity for the Puroik community over all to the differntiate between Religion and to the Cultures in the festival that all about the Gumkum-Gumpa festival is celebrated for to gain peace and prosperity towards the community. During the festival,they also showcase their traditional and cultural heritage to other peoples. They follow "Dony-Polo" religion in the recent past life.